B.El.Ed nature of language PYQ

B.EI.Ed. I Year


Nature of Language

Time: 2 Hours 

Maximum Marks : 35

All questions are compulsory.

1. People often remark that languages' have grammar,

a script, are more formal and spoken in a wider

geographical area while dialects' do not have

grammar, a script, and are suitable for in formal

communication within communities or families. While

it is true that standardization has established a

hierarchical status between 'languages' and so-called

*dialects', why is it important to understand that

linguistically there is really no difference between

"language' and 'dialect'?.

What arguments would you give to counter beliefs

that perceive dialects' as inferior to language. Justify

your arguments. (9)


India is a multilingual country with five distinct

language families. Despite such linguistic diversity,

languages belonging to these families have

characteristics that arc common across different

linguistic levels. Drawing upon any four of these

commonalities, evaluate why India is called a linguistic

area. Support your answer with at least four examples.


2. Read the English and Hindi passages given below.

Analyze and classify the underlined words in terms of

inflectional - derivational morphemes and free - bound

morphemes. Explain how the two types of morphemes

function distinctly from each other. (8)

(a) Once upon a time the famous physicist Albert

Einstein was confronted by an overly concerned

woman who sought advice on how to raise her

small son to become a successful scientist. In

particular, she wanted to know what kinds of

books she should read to her son.

"Fairy tales, " Einstein responded without


"Fine, but what else should I read to him after

that? the mother asked.

"More fairy tales, " Einestein stated.

"And after that?"

"Even mnore fairy tales, " replied the great scientist,

and he waved his pipe like a wizard pronouncing

a happy end to a long adventure.


(Source: Breaking the Magic Spell- Jack Zipes)


Given below are two sets of words :

Set 1                 Set 2

steamboat                             Scarecrow

              toothpaste                                 pickpocket

(i) Which word-formation process has been

used to derive these words?

(ii) What makes set 1 different from set 2 in

their semantic interpretation? Using the

words given in the two sets, analyse and

explain the characteristics associated with


3. Identify and discuss three features of verb final

languages from the passage given below. How

are they different from verb medial languages?

Explain using the examples from the passage given

below. (8)


Discuss verb Agreement in Hindi based on any of

the three underlined phrases.

Critically comment on any two with suitable examples :

a) The natural communication systems of animals fall

short of human language on key design features.

such as creativity, duality, arbitrariness and


(b) Our verbal repertoire reflects our multilinguality.

(c) Which languages get included in the constitution

is a socio-political decision.

(d) Not all languages are rule-governed.

 e)The multilingual landscape of India and its (in)

significance to you.


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